
Posted on Thu 09 March 2017 in Sysadmin • Tagged with boinc, headless, PiBakery, raspberry pi, tor, VNC

A great way to configure a Raspberry Pi from scratch is PiBakery. After struggling a while with setting up a VNC server and some other things on a fresh Pi connected only via Ethernet (no display, keyboard, or mouse), finding PiBakery was very helpful.

Here's my configuration:

PiBakery configuration

The long string …

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Headless Testing with TestFX

Posted on Mon 11 April 2016 in JavaFX, Testing • Tagged with Eclipse, headless, JavaFX, Maven, Monocle, TestFX

Jérome Cambon wrote a nice introduction to TestFX and how to enable the headless mode using Monocle.

I tried to reproduce the steps he described for running my TestFX GUI tests in headless mode from Eclipse so I can keep using my mouse while they are running. The crux is …

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Headless UI Testing with TestFX and JavaFX 8

Posted on Wed 23 April 2014 in JavaFX • Tagged with build, headless, JavaFX, JDK, Monocle, TestFX

JavaFX is a great UI toolkit. TestFX is a great library for testing the user interfaces written in JavaFX. Writing graphical tests with TestFX is simple and fast, but one challenge remains when you build your software using a headless build machine: how can you perform your UI tests in …

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